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When To Introduce Your Kids To Gadgets?

The job of parenting is not a one size fits all. There is no specific time to introduce your kids to technology. You will decide when you want to expose your child to technology. This is very important because employees are seeking tech-savvy individuals in the workplace.

The ability to use technology is also important in education. Parents tend to give their children their first cell phones when they start traveling to school. They can no longer drop their kids at school because of certain circumstances, and they feel more comfortable when their kids have a mobile device.

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Age is a factor that one should consider when introducing a kid to technology. Will your kids appreciate it? Are they responsible enough to take care of it? Experts believe that parents should wait until their children reach at least three.  Most pre-schools have recognized this, and they have introduced computer classes into their curriculum.

Types of Gadgets you can introduce


There are different types of gadgets that you can introduce to your kids, and most can serve as a learning tool. The kids can play many educational games on laptops and make learning fun and interactive. As they grow older, they will need to know how to use Microsoft applications for school projects and assignments, so it is a good idea to teach your kids how to use these applications.

GPS watch

Reports of missing children can be heart-wrenching. The best way to face a situation is to prepare for it. A GPS watch can assist with locating your child if they get lost. You can monitor them while they are away from you. Most GPS watches can function as mobile. If you are not comfortable with buying a cell phone for your child, then you can consider a GPS watch.


You can introduce your child to smartphones when they are becoming independent. This is usually in high school. They can update you once they are on the road and if there is any emergency, they can reach out to an adult. You can get affordable smartphones without having to break the bank.

Video games

During the summer break, your child will need something to occupy their time. Video games can eradicate boredom and prevent your child from engaging in dangerous activities. Playing video games can be done indoors, which is usually safe.


When is the best time?

Introducing your kids to technology will help with brain development. It is an activity that they are learning. Remember that at a young age, they are learning and trying to make sense of the world around them.

Today’s generation is born in a digital era, so we cannot hide or try not to expose them because we believe they are too young. As soon as they start talking, you can have a conversation with them and introduce them to technology.

It is good to expose your children to technology as early as possible. They are going to be exposed even if you don’t do it. Technology is highly recommended in schools, and many teachers have adopted it.

You want to prepare your child early by teaching them how to use a computer and prevent them from getting a culture shock. They will come home and ask about the computers that they use in school. It is now the norm to be tech-savvy. The earlier they are introduced, the better it will be for them.

Experts have recommended that kids be introduced to gadgets at the age of three. Technology makes learning easier and more efficient. They are smart enough to manipulate a mouse. Do not underestimate them because they are young. You will be surprised when they are able to use it even better than you.

We are aware of the disadvantages of technology, but balance is key. You should train your child and teach them how to use gadgets in moderation. They should not spend the entire day playing video games. Give them guidelines and make sure that they abide by them. For example, you can only spend two hours on the computer. After that, they should give the computer a break. If you train them at this early age, you may not have to worry about them being addicted to technology.

Wrapping up

The best time to introduce your kids to technology will vary from parent to parent. It could be as soon as they start talking. They have been the center of their parent’s camera phones for pictures and videos. Naturally, they will become curious about these devices.

As soon as they start talking, they should be able to understand and appreciate gadgets such as tablets and computers. Experts believe that children should be exposed around the age of three. This is usually when they start pre-school. Most pre-schools have computer classes that aid kids’ learning and development.


8 Tips On How To Shop On A Budget

Learning how to shop on a budget is easy. If you can save cash by clothes shopping on a budget, then by all means, do so. Food is very pricey in most countries and you have to learn how to economize and grocery shop on a tight budget.

This is very important when you have a large family to feed and want to stretch your resources. Comparing prices and looking for sales will help you to shop on a tight budget.

See also: How to balance a personal and professional life

How to shop on a budget?

Shop online

E-commerce has made online shopping easy and convenient for customers. As long as you know your size, you can order from the comfort of your home. You can compare prices when you shop online and get value for your money.

One advantage is that you will not pay any sales tax and save some cash. Many companies offer free shipping depending on where you live and the terms and conditions. You should do some research and ask about this.


Use coupons

If you are shopping, you should use coupons. Some grocery stores offer discounts for those with a membership card. Research all the grocery stores in your area, select one or more that you like, and sign up for a membership card. You will get access to discounts to accommodate your tight budget. If you are shopping for clothes, always ask about available discounts.



Most stores will offer sales regularly. There is usually a sales section that you can visit to buy clothes on sale. You can ask a sales representative about items that are on sale and take a look at them. You should also consider shopping out of season. You can get basic items for even 75% off.




If you are shopping on a budget and you live in an expensive city such as New York, then you should consider shopping at thrift stores. You can get vintage items at a lower price when compared to shopping at expensive stores and brands. You can get a variety of items and even the latest fashion.


Buy items in bulk

Non-perishable items such as tissue, toothpaste, rice, sugar, and tin items should be purchased in bulk. It might seem expensive at first, but in the long run, you will save money. Buy items that you know you will use for sure otherwise, you will waste money.


Shop at the market

Shopping at the local market is way cheaper than buying items in the supermarket. This is very true, especially in countries where items are imported and sold at the supermarket. You will pay a higher price for items that are not produced locally. Buy your vegetables and ground provisions at the market. If you know any local farmer, then you can buy your items from that farmer. Another great option is to grow your vegetables. Why not invest in a backyard garden and eat what you grow?


Use grocery apps

Some grocery apps will help you save and shop on a tight budget. If items are on sale, you will be notified through the grocery application. You can compare prices as well. It is similar to shopping online. Some grocery apps are not limited to one supermarket, so it helps you to make a wise decision when you are making a price comparison. Make your own budget and download the best grocery app.


Consider making food items

Instead of buying bread, how about making your own bread? All you need to do is buy items such as flour, yeast, salt, and a bread pan. It is much safer and healthier as you get to control what is in your bread. This can apply to any food items that are expensive that you can make. All you need to do is buy the ingredients and make them. You can improve your culinary skills if you use this tip.


Wrapping up

Shopping on a tight budget will help you to save money. Be wise and shop smart by following simple tips such as using coupons and buying items in bulk.




Top 5 Reasons Why You Need A Personal Website

Why should I have a personal website?

Personal websites can function as an exceptional marketing strategy. You can tell your stories to millions of people across the globe. It can open the doors to many opportunities as potential employers can gain access to your personal website.

You would be surprised by how many connections you can get just by having a personal website. Let us explore 5 top reasons you need a personal website.

See also: 10 Small Business Marketing Tips 

5 Top reasons why you need a personal website


Brand yourself

A resume does not allow you to be creative and express yourself well. You are very confined, and you have a limit on how much you can say. A website can help you to give a visual resume of who you are and your talents. If you are a fashion stylist, you can show your skills on a personal website. People will see your work and trust your competence to perform if they are looking to hire you.


Build your network

Building your network is very important. It helps you connect with people with the same interests and sometimes leads to employment opportunities. You can connect with people all over the globe. It is also easier for potential employers to find you.

The website domain is unique. Instead of leaving your social media details, you can use your website. It is highly unlikely that people will share the same name, making it difficult to find you. Make sure to leave your contact information on the website.


Stand out from the rest

Everybody uses social media, such as Facebook, to market their brand. Building a personal website shows that you are innovative and forward-thinking. You will impress your audience more in comparison to those who use normal social media applications. It shows that you are hard-working and dedicated to seeking opportunities.


Develop your career

Owning a personal website does not only attract potential employers but attracts clients as well. If you have established a career, then you can develop your career using a personal website. How? It is simple. If you are a lawyer, your website can display testimonials from previous clients with success stories. Clients will trust your expertise and request your service.


Generate alternative income

Creating a website call allows you to make some cash. You can get incentives from advertisements depending on how much traffic you generate. The higher your website traffic, the more chances you have of earning extra cash. The ultimate goal of a personal website should not be about making money, but as you market yourself you can earn some extra cash.


Wrapping it up

I hope you are motivated to create a personal website, and if you have one, continue improving it. Personal websites are your resume. It can attract employers or clients and market your brand.



How To Be More Tech-Savvy

Being tech-savvy is a skill that everyone should hone. It is crucial for development in the workplace and even at schools. Computer skills are encouraged in schools so that students will transition into the work world easily. In this age, technology is the future and you have to prepare yourself and embrace it.

In the workplace, employers are looking for employers skilled in technology. The workplace has become computerized and employees with even basic computer skills are assets. As an ordinary citizen being tech-savvy is important. If your phone is giving trouble then as a tech-savvy person, you can fix it without paying exorbitant fees.

See also: How To Make Use Of The Internet: It Is More Than Just Social Media

Recognize the importance

Before you become tech-savvy, you need to recognize why it is important. This will give you the drive to learn new things. It may be important for your career and education. If you study online, then you will need basic computer skills. If you work online, then learning how to troubleshoot could make your job hassle free. The more advanced skills you learn, the better it will be for you. Being tech-savvy is a good investment for yourself.

Teach yourself

You can teach yourself anything. The internet is your best friend. There is plenty of information on the internet that you can utilize. There are forums and websites dedicated to specific fields. You can find simple information on how to reset your iPhone and how to fix a malfunctioning laptop. You can even learn how to write programming code. Whatever it is that you wish to learn, information is available. The truth is, you don’t have to study computer science to be tech-savvy. Be willing to learn and teach yourself.



The best way to learn is to experiment. You can open up your computer and see how it works and then fix it back. Older people tend to ask the younger generation to help them with simple tasks. As a result, they are inept when it comes to phones and computers. Encourage older folks to try and fix their problems.

Participate in tech-savvy courses

If you are serious about being tech-savvy, then you may take courses that will improve your skills. You will learn how to use different tools and platforms. You can take courses such as NYU Tech-Savvy. You can learn about web publishing, classroom technology, video and web conferencing. The next option is to watch YouTube videos free of charge.


Technology is constantly evolving, so make sure you stay updated. Practice in your spare time so you can tackle new problems and gadgets. Experts always practice even though they are good at their skills. Never stop learning and continue to practice your skills.

Wrapping up

We have the resources to learn and practice skills we lack. Being tech-savvy is achievable. Sometimes you have to experiment on your own and do research. Be more independent by becoming tech-savvy today.




9 Ways Technology Changed Our Lives

Technology has changed our lives and reshaped the way we live. Some of us love it, and some of us are frustrated with it. This is evident as most of us are guilty of being addicted to the internet and social media. Nevertheless, we have seen some benefits of Technology.

Technology has created a whole new world and brought endless opportunities. Chores have become easier, and the workplace has become more efficient. We can get connected with people from different parts of the world. Some pros and cons are associated with the way technology changed our lives.


Transcends borders

The invention of airplanes, ships, and spacecraft allow people to visit other countries and even the moon. The world is open, and we are not confined to a specific territory. You can choose to live and work anywhere you please once you follow the laws of immigration. Culture has been adopted as a result of meeting people from all over the world. People can live an enriching life through traveling.



Teachers use technology to enhance their lessons. They can make the lesson more interactive and interesting for students. E-learning is possible with the use of internet connections and computers. People who wish to study for a degree can do so at the comfort of their homes.

This gives students flexibility. They can work part-time and attend classes anywhere in the world. Students can learn at their own pace as well. Teachers can post notes and videos on the internet, and the student can study and learn whenever they are ready.


Electronic payments

You don’t have to walk around with a large sum of cash when you can make purchases and payments electronically. Online banking is secure and convenient for online shopping. You don’t have to worry about being robbed of cash that you walk around with.

You can manage your money through online banking. Online banking has made electronic transfers simple and easy. You can send money anywhere you are in the world to another person.



Technology has changed the way we date and meet people. Many couples have met on social media. The internet has made it possible to meet a potential mate through social media and online dating sites. Long-distance relationships are able to thrive with the aid of technology. Real-time conversation can spice up things in a long-distance relationship.



Technology has changed the way we communicate. It has made it easier to communicate anywhere and anytime, but because it has become so easy, we tend to neglect face-to-face conversations with our family and friends. Instead of visiting a friend, we send a WhatsApp message or audio. We must remember that communicating using our smartphones is not spending quality time.



Technology has diversified the entertainment world. We can download our favorite music online and watch movies online instead of going to the cinema. There are many gaming machines such as play stations and applications we can download online to relieve us of our boredom.


Chores are simpler

You don’t have to spend time over the sink and do dishes. You can place dirty dishes in the dishwasher and do other chores that need your attention. You can maximize time when you use these technologies to help with chores. Factories are replacing humans with machines because they are more efficient.



Before medical equipment was available, the world relied on home remedies to cure any sicknesses. In most cases, this was futile. The medical field has made heart transplants possible with powerful equipment and technology. Many people suffering from diseases and illnesses have a higher chance of surviving today as opposed to in the past without advanced equipment.


Sharing memories

Everybody wants to capture special moments such as engagements and weddings and share them with friends and family on social media. This is great, but we have to be careful. Sometimes we get too caught up in displaying our special moment instead of enjoying it.

Wrapping up

It is no doubt that life has become easier with the use of technology. Technology is relevant in every area of our lives, such as entertainment, medicine, and even our household.


How To Make Family Time Rewarding And Awesome


Spending time with the family is very important. Families are the first socialization unit and you can bond with your family by participating in family time activities. Family time activities include things like vacation and dining together. These are fun moments your children will appreciate as they get older.

See also: 5 Things To Consider Before Becoming A Parent

How to make family time fun?

Dine together every day

Try to have dinner together every day. It doesn’t matter how busy you are. Make your family a priority and eat the last meal together. If you can eat breakfast together as well, then that would be awesome.


Tell your children stories about your childhood. It keeps the bond strong when your children know something about you and they can pass on family stories to their grandchildren. Grandparents can share their wisdom and knowledge.


Read to your children

Reading to your children will help them intellectually. They learn to read during this process, and they get to bond with the parent as well. It can be done before going to bed. When your child starts learning to read, you can allow them to read to you.


Support each other

Give your support at graduations and sports events.  Any special event in a person’s life can be a platform to bond. Celebrate your son’s victory when he plays his first game. If every family member could attend the game, it would be a cherished moment. Don’t miss out on these opportunities.


A family vacation is fun. Rent out a beach house for the summer and take your family there. Use your vacation to spend some quality time with the family. Participate in water sports and go surfing.

Go to the zoo

If your children like going to the zoo, make plans to visit the zoo. Your family will have a great time looking at and feeding animals.

Have picnic at the park

Prepare some of the families’ favorite food and have a picnic at the park. Bring blankets and games and spend the day outdoors.


Road trips

Take a road trip outside of your community. Go to a state you always wanted to visit. You can visit places that are kid-friendly. Play some music and enjoy the chatter of your family. These are the best family moments.


Pray together

If you want to have a spiritual home, then go to a place of worship together. The family that prays together stays together.


Watch movies

Watching movies at home is a great way to spend time with your family. You can watch family movies and things that everyone in the household can relate to.

Wrapping up

Spend as much time with your family as possible. Cherish them and create memories.


5 Things To Consider Before Becoming A Parent

Times have changed, and as women become more independent, they delay childbearing. They choose to build their careers first and then they make the conscious decision to have a baby.

Are you thinking about having a baby? Having a child is a huge responsibility and you literally have to dedicate your life to another human being. When you have decided that you are indeed ready to have a child, it is important to consider things like finances, emotional support, and day care. You have to be ready before you take on the role of a parent. You have to know what it is like to have a baby.

Let’s discuss some things to consider before becoming a parent.

See also: 5 Ways To Teach Your Kids To Be Honest

Things to consider before becoming a parent

Are you ready?

Both partners should be ready to be parents. If you are being pressured then you are not ready. It has to be an inherent desire to have a baby and both partners should feel the same way about growing their family.  Are you willing to lose sleep? Babies need a lot of attention, especially in their newborn and infant years. You will have to wake up in the middle of the night to feed your baby and change diapers. The life of a mom is not easy. You have to be physically and mentally prepared to take on this role.


You will have little free time

Being a parent is a responsibility that you cannot run away from. You will have to be present to care for and protect your child. You are a mom, but your other responsibilities don’t just magically disappear, some women still have to be a wife, and some still have to work to provide for the child.

If you can leave your child in the care of someone you trust, such as a grandmother or aunt, then that would give you a little time to yourself. You will have to cherish the free time when you get it because they don’t come often. You basically give up your freedom when you become a parent.


Can you give your baby the best life right now?

All parents imagine giving their kids a better life, better than the ones they lived. If you had a rough upbringing, you would not want your child to experience the same things you did as a parent.

Think about how financially stable you are? Both parents need to meet and review their budget to see if they can comfortably care for a child.  You should be able to give your child the best possible life. You don’t have to be rich but your child should have access to basic needs.



Parenting style

Think about the parenting style you want to use. You can learn from your parents. Every mother and father wants to be the perfect parent but you will make mistakes as you take on this new role. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Observe the parenting style of your parents and those around you to see what you prefer. Were they too strict? Did they spend enough time with you? How did you feel? You and your partner should be on the same page when it comes to how you want to raise your child.


Is your relationship stable?

Women tend to think that having a baby will fix relationship problems. Sometimes the problems get worse when a baby comes into the picture. Make sure that the relationship is healthy before you decide to have a baby. The baby needs to grow up in a healthy home where both parents will give their support.


Wrapping up

Being a parent is a beautiful experience. Do not rush the process, wait until you are fully prepared.






15 Awesome Indoor Games For Kids

Who says kids can’t have fun indoors? There are many fun games for kids. Traditional indoor games are fun games to play inside and you can make changes to outdoor games and make them fun games for kids to play inside. Video games are not the only indoor games for kids. Fun games for kids to play include cards, hide and seek, and a scavenger hunt. This article will look at the best indoor games for kids.

See also: Top best iOS games for kids

Best indoor games for kids

Card games

Card games are fun to play. You are not limited to one type. Some of the card games you can try are Go Fish, Crazy Eights, and Slapjack. It will teach them how to be competitive and have good sportsmanship. This can sharpen their numeracy skills as well.



Puzzle games can increase cognitive ability, problem-solving and memory skills. This will help with shape recognition as well. This is a game that will keep kids focused and stationary but fun at the same time.


Treasure hunt

Kids are usually very hyperactive, and a treasure hunt game would be fun. It is used as an outdoor game but can also be an indoor game. It will be an awesome exercise for kids. This game involves written clues and you will find hidden items based on written clues.


Hide and seek

This game is similar to a treasure hunt but simpler. It does not involve any written clues. One person will hide in the home, and the kids will try to find the hidden person. It could also be reversed. If there are five people, four people will hide while one person searches for the hidden person.


Video games

Video games are available online. You can download exciting games and allow your children to play indoors.


Dolly house

This is an indoor game that girls will love. It will teach them to be nurturers as they care for their doll. You can get different types of dolls with a kitchen set and they can change their doll and comb their hair.


Drawing contest

Get a pen and paper and have a drawing contest. Give the kids an item to draw, and watch them give you their best representation of the item. The person with the best drawing will be the winner.

Mini Karaoke

Children love to perform and show their talent. Have a mini karaoke indoors and let the kids perform for you. They can recite a poem, sing a song, drama, or even dance. It would be fun to watch as kids are jovial and free-spirited.


Indoor hopscotch

If your home allows you to draw boxes, let the kids play hopscotch. If not, you can create your own indoor hopscotch by taping papers on the floor and drawing the boxes.


Hand clapping games

Most handclapping games are played with two people, such as patty cake. You sing the lyrics of a song while clapping hands together with someone else.


Musical Chairs

All you need is music and chairs, and you have an indoor game. The chairs are placed back to back, and it should be one less than the number of people playing. You play the music, and the kids will walk around them. When the music stops, they will try to sit on a chair. The person without a chair leaves the game, and one chair is removed.


Rock, paper, scissors

This game can be played by more than one person. In this game, you have a stone, sheet, and scissors. Stone breaks scissor, sheet wraps stone and scissor slices the sheet. The kids will say rock, paper, scissors and move one hand up and down. When they say scissors they should use their hand to represent one of the listed items. This is repeated until one person wins. The winner is the person who has won all the sessions.



Clay games can put a kid’s creativity at work. They can use colorful clay to create something of their choice. It could be ice cream, a ball, or a or mini pizza. The options are unlimited.

Building blocks

Building blocks is a nice indoor game for kids. I am sure there are items in your home that can serve as building blocks. You can use Legos, ABC blocks, and wooden blocks. They can stack blocks together while learning and having fun.


Simon says

Simon Say is another fun game that can be played indoors. It will exercise listening skills. One person will say Simon’s say and then say an action. For example, Simon says, “touch your toes” Everybody will obey and touch their toes.

Wrapping up

Indoor games for kids can be fun and beneficial. Some help to improve cognitive skills, memory, and social skills.


10 Romantic Ideas To Surprise Your Partner

Showing affection to your partner never gets old. Surprise your wife or husband and keep the romance alive. There are many romantic ideas that will make him or her feel loved.

Surprising your wife does not always have to include bringing her on an expensive romantic dinner. Instead, you can wake up early and make her favorite breakfast. She will be caught off guard, especially if she does the preparation every morning.

Girls, do not expect your boyfriends to do all the nice gestures. Show him that you love and appreciate him too. Continue reading to learn 10 ways you can surprise your partner.

See also: 10 Ways To Have A Happy Relationship

10 Romantic ideas to surprise your significant other



Gifting someone you love with flowers never gets old. Order flowers and send them to her at work or home. She will smile when she receives her bouquet of flowers from you. Gift your boyfriend with flowers too. It is an unusual and unconventional way to surprise him.


Stick notes where they can find it

At the beginning of your relationship, remember how you used to send those cute text messages. Now that you both are living together, write notes and place them somewhere at home you know they often visit. When they find it they will smile and remember you. This is very useful when you leave your partner for business trips. They will feel your presence when they find the messages you left them.


Slow dance

Put on some slow music one evening and dim the light in the living room. After dinner ask your partner in your best British accent “Madam may I have the honor of dancing with you tonight” or if that is too corny a simple “Would you like to dance?” would work.


Wear some lingerie

Put a little effort into your sleepwear one night. Wear a lingerie he has never seen, and he will be caught off guard. Men like it when you try to look good for them. He is probably tired of seeing you in that white, oversized sleepwear and bonnet. Spice things up in the bedroom a bit. Shop around for a nice lingerie in his favorite color.


Random hugs and kisses

If you tend to kiss and hug on special occasions, then do it randomly. If you find that you both are not affectionate then that is okay. But, for those who do enjoy some intimacy, try kissing and caressing each other more often. Build intimacy and sexual desires.

Write a love letter

Over the years, your love may have grown. Remind your significant other of your love journey and all the events that led up to now by writing a love letter. With your busy schedule, sometimes you may not get to express your love as much as you’d want to.

It is important to say “I love you,” but it does not show the depth of your feelings. Write a love letter and tell them how much they mean to you. If you don’t live with your partner, you can mail it without telling your partner. It should be a lovely surprise.


Cuddle before you start the day

Stop the alarm one morning and cuddle with your partner for a few minutes. They will be surprised at the random gesture. Try things like having breakfast together in bed one morning or even having a warm shower together before work. It is worth a try.



Learn how to do massages and treat your spouse to a massage after they have had a long day at work. Release their back pain and stress with a massage on the shoulder. Massage their temple as well. Your boyfriend or girlfriend will look forward to coming home when they have something like this to look forward to.

Spa appointment

Set up a spa appointment and pamper your girl. Girls like to be pampered, and they will definitely appreciate this gesture. In this case, the role can be reversed as well. Set a spa appointment for your boyfriend and pamper him. You can also do a home spa and make it more personal and special.


Buy him his favorite gadget

If your boyfriend loves to play games and has a particular gadget he likes, get him something you know he will love. It could be a watch, play station, or a headset, you don’t have to buy anything expensive. He will surely appreciate the effort and the thought you put into getting him something he likes. It shows that you care enough to spend money on his interests. And who knows, he might just return the favor!

Wrapping up

Keep your relationship fun and vibrant by doing romantic gestures every now and then. It does not have to be expensive. Remember, it is the thought that counts. Do simple things and it will be appreciated.


Top 3 Reasons To Stop Explaining Yourself


A simple “No” is enough when someone asks you for a favor. You do not have to explain why you said no or give an excuse. A no should not end a lifelong friendship or relationship. Some people will understand, and some won’t. Don’t explain yourself to those who cannot understand you and your choices. Be yourself, the right people will understand and love you for you. You don’t have to justify yourself, your choices, and your decisions. Let’s see the reasons to stop explaining yourself.

See also: Top 10 Reasons To Dream Big

Reasons to stop explaining yourself


I am sure you have heard of stories where parents try to tell their children to select a certain career path, even though they are adults. They try to control their children’s lives. The children suffocate, and as a result, they are not happy. It can be scary to stand up to your parents because you don’t want to disappoint them, but nothing is wrong with going after your heart’s desire.

If you want to be a traveler instead of working in the corporate world, then do it without feeling guilty. Your happiness and freedom should be your priority, and your parents will eventually have to accept it. They will realize come to realize that you are an adult.

When you make plans and follow through you are taking charge of your life. Your friends and family will respect you and will no longer try to control you. If you want that freedom, then you have to learn how to stop explaining every choice you make. When you explain, you are looking for approval. “I want to travel the world instead of working in the family business.” This is simply a choice that they will respect more if you refrain from explaining yourself. It shows that you are confident and you have already decided on the path you will take.


It drains your energy

Trying to convince someone that you made the right decision will drain your energy, especially if they are stubborn. It is not worth it.  Channel that energy on you and the decision you made. If you decide to quit your job and start your own business, then focus on making it happen.

Instead of explaining why you quit your 9-5, build your business. Don’t drain yourself and explain why you made such a decision to your family and friends. You can simply tell them not to worry if they are concerned. Let them know that you are okay and trust your decision. Explaining the reason you quit will exhaust you.


You will be unique

Don’t follow the crowd because you want to avoid explaining yourself. You can decline a party if you are not a party person.  Be different, be yourself, and be unique. Don’t attend, just follow the crowd and later be miserable. You can be different and still have a healthy friendship and relationship. Tell them you prefer to stay in, and if they accept you for who you are it will not disrupt the friendship.

Doing things without explaining yourself allows you to be creative and unique. Once you stop explaining yourself, you stop living in fear. You can make your choices unbothered. If you make mistakes, you learn from them. Who knows? you may be great as a result. Life will be more fulfilling when you can be yourself without any apology.


Wrapping up

It is hard to make a decision without trying to justify yourself. You need to realize that it’s okay to make choices, and you don’t have to validate them to anyone. It gives you freedom and individuality.

10 Things To Know Before Moving In With Your Boyfriend


You have been dating for a while and you decided it is time to move in with your boyfriend. This is a huge step that you are taking in the relationship. Living with your boyfriend is not always roses and petals. There are things that you need to address before you move in with a boyfriend. Living with a boyfriend is different from visiting and going on dates. Let us look at some tips and things to know before moving in with your boyfriend.

See also: 10 Amazing Benefits Of Long Distance Relationships

When is the right time to move in with someone?

Nobody can tell you when to move with your boyfriend. It has to a mutual decision that both partners make. You will know when the time is right. You will be both compatible and prepared for the new chapter. If both partners are financially prepared then the time is right. You both can split the bills and support each other. Both partners should be emotionally prepared. It is more than seeing someone you love every day. Can you tolerate their pet peeve? Do you handle fights fairly and bounce back? If the answer is no you are not prepared to move in with someone. Hence you are not ready. Wait until you have a solid foundation.

Things to know before moving in with your boyfriend

Why are you moving in?

It is important to know why you are moving in. You should not move in because it is convenient. You should move in because you take the relationship very seriously. Are you planning to be together long-term? Have you talk about marriage? Don’t just move in because it is better to have one place and share the bills. You may regret it if things get worse financially. If this is the primary reason then you are not ready to move in with your significant other.

Know each other well

You should know each other well before living together. Of course, you cannot know someone unless you live with them but try to learn things about them before you move in. Ask questions and spend quality time together. You don’t want to be living with a total stranger and then regret it later. Know what you are going into before you pack your things and move in with your boyfriend.

Test the water

Visit your boyfriend and spend weekends together or maybe longer depending on your schedule. This will make the living together transition easier. You will get an idea of what the person is like in their own space. You will know if they keep their apartment tidy and organized the way you like it. Are you going to clean up after him? Is he tidy and you don’t have to worry about it? You cannot learn this on a date night or on the phone. Spend the holidays and weekends together and observe him.

Are you both financially stable?

Financial difficulty is one of the deal breakers in a relationship. Couples have divorced because of financial issues. Before living together ensure that you are both financially stable. You will be happier when the bills and utilities are shared. It can be shared equally or one partner may pay more depending on the income. Do not move in with your boyfriend and rely on him. Be independent and have your life in order. This is a common mistake many women make and lose their power. It is not the same in all cases but just be prepared.

Continue to date

Do not forget to keep the romance alive. You will see each other every day but you still need to get out of the house and enjoy your partner’s company. Make plans with your boyfriend and spend quality time outside of the apartment. Set a date especially for occasions such as anniversaries and birthdays.

Discuss chores and roles

Ask your boyfriend what he expects his partner to do in the house? Does he believe women should do all the chores or he should help out around the house? Hopefully, you are happy with his view and you are comfortable. I believe that the roles and chores should be shared if both partners are working. You don’t want to feel burdensome in the relationship and harbor resent because he doesn’t do the dishes.

Settle disputes

You truly get to know someone when you live with them. There will be arguments and you should pick your battle wisely. Be solution driven when you argue with your partner. If you both are able to settle disputes well then it is highly likely that you will survive living together. Take a moment and reflect on disputes in the past and use them to predict the future.


If you are planning to rent an apartment with your partner then put both names on the lease.If your partner owns a home does he pay mortgages? Will you be contributing? What happens if you both break up? Does he live with his parents? Are you comfortable with living with his parents? These are concerns that you need to address. The best option is getting a place that you both will be responsible for. If anything happens then no one will be forced to put anyone out because it is their property. You both can sell it and start fresh if anything happens such as a breakup. If you both rent then it is easy to leave when you pay the last rent.

Live an independent life

Your life should not revolve around your partner. You should give him space. Men like their own space. Hang with your girlfriends and have a separate life. It will be beneficial for your relationship. Women tend to think that they need to stay in touch with their partner every day and as a result act clingy.

Lay down ground rules

It will be easier when you and your partner lay down ground rules. It will prevent arguments and insecurities. He is not allowed to use your toothbrush then it is a rule. He should abide by it and respect you.If he will come home late from work he should inform you so that you don’t freak out. Let your partner know what is not tolerated so that you can live together with killing each other.

Wrapping up

Moving in with your partner is a huge step to take in a relationship. Before you do that you need to discuss several things such as finances, rules, and chores. Remember to test the water before you move in.

Top 10 Reasons To Dream Big

“If your dream does not scare you, it is not big enough” -Kristine K. Stephens.

Your dreams are valid, so do not be afraid to set high standards for yourself. People who don’t dream place a limit on themselves. They don’t think they will ever accomplish it because it seems impossible. This means that they lack confidence.

Dreaming big requires a leap of faith. Having big dreams is good because it excites you for the journey that you want to embark on. This article will look at how to dream big.

See also: 8 Ways To Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

Reasons to dream big

You find your identity

If you listen to your inner self, you will find your true calling in life. You will discover who you are when you dream big, whether a singer, entrepreneur, teacher or writer. People spend their lives trying to find themselves and those who pursue their dreams and listen to their inner voice are usually happy with who they have become.

Listen to your heart and follow your dream. Do not let anyone dissuade you because you will miss out on the beautiful person you could be. People who never follow their dreams often regret it. You never hear of anyone regretting following their dreams because it is their true calling.



Dreaming big will motivate you and give you direction. A dream is a goal that you will work towards. You will find the strength to do things you would never do. You will look at others who have done the impossible and be motivated as well. If they did not dream big and achieve what seemed impossible, who would you get motivation from?


You live meaningfully


If you compare those who don’t dream versus those who dream, you will find that dreamers are happier. They have a zeal and a purpose and are living for something that they believe in. You are excited and imagining what it would be like to drive your dream car for the first time. Dreamers are busy working on their dreams and planning on how to achieve them. They live purposefully.


You do not place a limit on yourself

You are reaching for the galaxy when you dream big. It will boost your self-confidence when you dream of the impossible. If someone say “I will start my own business in five years,” then you know that this person is a confident person. You will admire their bravery and confidence. If you do not dream big, you are limiting yourself and you are not realizing your full potential.


Develop discipline

“The heights by great men reached and kept, were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward through the night”- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

Dreams will motivate you and force you to work hard. If you want to be the best basketball player or swimmer, you train like a champion. You should be committed and follow the advice of your coach, only then will you reap the benefits.

You can inspire people

If you dream big there is a high chance of achieving your dream. As a result, you will inspire people and make the world a better place. Think about who would look up to you when they realize that dreams are indeed attainable. If you do it, then you will be helping someone in the future. Successful people will always talk about people who inspired them. Keep the cycle going by dreaming big.


It makes you successful

You will encounter failures and setbacks, but they will make you stronger. However, you will rise again with new knowledge. You will overcome obstacles in order to achieve the impossible.

That in itself is a feat that not everyone can do. Just by dreaming big, you are strong. It takes a lot of courage to even believe that you can do something that is not possible based on your current situation.


It gives you endless opportunities

On your journey, you will encounter opportunities that would not be possible if you did not have a dream. Your life would be different if you did not dream big. Opportunities will find you when you start your journey, somebody will see your potential and provide a platform for you to pursue your dreams.

You are more likely to become successful

If you hear the story of any successful person, you are most likely to hear that “This is something that I always wanted to do.” Before they could be top-notch actresses or models, they dreamed about it. Dreaming is the first step you take when you want to be successful.


Every step matters

You may not hit big on your first try at success but remember, it is not about the journey but the destination. What is most important is that you learn from your failures. If you continue to have that goal in mind and work assiduously towards it, many more opportunities will come your way. And despite your plans not going accordingly, once you dream and put in the work, you will be successful.

Wrapping up

Do not be afraid to dream big. It can become a reality once you put in the hard work. Follow your dreams and don’t regret it.