Tuesday, October 1, 2024

How To Make Use Of The Internet: It Is More Than Just Social Media


Before the internet was invented, the encyclopedia was a great resource to do research. Today, it is more convenient to do research using Google Scholar. The internet has many uses and is not all about social media.

If you only use the internet to scroll through Instagram, then you are wasting your time. You are missing out on a chance to be a better individual. There are so many resources available to you.

See also: Should We Limit The Time We Spend On Social Networks

You can use the internet to develop your intellectual capacity, learn skills and become competent in an area you are interested in. I have a friend who created a website by studying computer science on the internet. He had no prior programming knowledge, yet he could develop codes for his website. You don’t have to attend a prestigious university and master a field. Information is available on the internet.

The internet plays a vital role in education. Today, students can learn at their own pace. The invention of online schools makes learning more accessible and more fun. Most universities and colleges offer distance learning to the student population. In addition, there are many websites you can use to develop your skills. These include:

Coursera– Coursera offers free courses at top universities for free. You can get certified in the comfort of your home over the internet. The internet has made it possible.

Khan Academy– This is a beneficial platform for students in high school. They have videos and materials that schools teach their students. If you spend time revising some of the materials instead of scrolling through Instagram, then it is highly likely that you will be a better student.

Udemy– Udemy offers professional courses to anyone interested in taking their career to the next level. Courses include Financial Planning, Graphic Design, Photography, and Programming Language.

Unemployed? Do you know that many positions are available and you only need a laptop and internet connection? You can earn 200 – 1000 USD depending on your assigned work and complexity. For example, you can work as a Virtual Assistance, Sales Representative, and Tutoring. In addition, you can use the internet to gain passive income through blogging.

The internet is also relevant in the business world. It is the best platform to market and promote a brand. Websites and email marketing are standard tools used by entrepreneurs. You can extend your client base and conduct a transaction online, which is free. For example, if you sell products online, you can receive payments through PayPal.

The internet is mighty and helpful. You have access to knowledge. Do not waste time on social media when you have the opportunity to improve yourself professionally and academically. You can study courses online for free.

Students can research topics they have difficulty with instead of waiting for the teacher to explain them. You are responsible for your learning as a student. Resources are available, so use them to your advantage.


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