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10 Ways To Become A Better Person


Becoming a better person is a personal decision you have to make. Are you tired of being rude and unkind, and are you wondering how to be a better person? Just saying “I want to be a better person” will not transform you. There are things that you need to do to bring about a change. Being a better person is growing up and displaying maturity. Here, we are going to share ten simple ways how to become a better person.

See also: Tips On How To Make A Beautiful Garden

How to become a better person?

Seek spiritual guidance

If you are a religious person, then seek spiritual guidance. Most religions differentiate between good and evil. They emphasize that we should do good. You will see a radical change when you are a part of a religion. You are a better individual when you strive to practice the teachings of the faith.

Be respectful

Treat others how you would want them to treat you. Do not raise your voice and act irrationally when you are angry. Take some deep breaths and calm down instead of lashing out. If you need to criticize, do it compassionately.

Be helpful

Helping someone is one way to become a better person. Once you do this, you will realize how good it feels to help others. So volunteer and give your service. Give to charity if you can. Donate essential items to organizations and help others who are in need.



Forgive those who have hurt you. It brings you peace and freedom. Forgiveness is a part of the healing process. Realize that people will hurt you and make mistakes; no one is perfect. Try to be understanding and heal the relationship you share with the person.


Be loveable

In all your relationships, show love. A hug or a kind word can touch someone. Once you are loveable, you attract genuine people. So smile at others and say thank you when someone has done something for you.


Be a role model

You will strive to be a better person when you see yourself as a role model. You don’t have to be popular. If you are a parent, be a role model for your children. If you are famous, then you should always consider who is watching you. Set examples and do what is right all the time.


Take responsibility for your actions

You are human, and you are prone to making mistakes. Own up to the mistakes that you have made in the past and move forward as a better person. Recognize your mistakes and see how you could improve if you are in the same situation again. Apologize to anyone you have hurt and seek forgiveness. Try not to make the same mistakes again.


Accept and love yourself

Build your self-esteem by accepting and loving yourself. Sometimes we are mean and unkind because we have self-esteem issues. Work on building your confidence to be happy with who you are. Once you are happy, you will have a better mood and be kinder to others.


Attack personal issues

People will bully others because they suffer from emotional abuse. This is because they have been abused at home, which affects them psychologically. As a result, they lash out at innocent people around them. If this is the case, then you need counseling. Then, you can get help with dealing with your emotions and become better.


Surround yourself with positive people

Look at your circle and see if they help you be better. If not, you need to change your circle. Surround yourself with positive people and emulate their character. They will push you to be better. They will inspire you, and you will be motivated and take action.


Wrapping up

Becoming a better person will not happen overnight. However, it is a wise decision that can contribute positively to your personal development.


Should The Internet Be Censored Or Not?

There have been concerns about what children can access on the internet. The internet has great benefits, which we cannot deny. However, adult content like porn can be accessed freely.

Some have argued that parents need to monitor their children. This argument is flawed because children are not monitored 24/7. They can hide and access X-rated content. How do we prevent them from accessing this content when parents are not watching?

Censoring the internet is one of the best solutions to the problem. We need more than parental control in this situation. There are cases where the government will step in and control the internet. In some countries, websites are blocked, and citizens are jailed for breaching laws regarding the internet.

See also: How To Make Use Of The Internet: It Is More Than Just Social Media 

Reduced Cybercrime

Censoring the internet can help to reduce cybercrime. People abuse the internet and protect citizens. Sometimes social media is not used appropriately, and people have faced online harassment and even received death threats.

Google has considered using a process such as a spell check program found in Microsoft word. A user will not be able to type negative words. This strategy will help to reduce cyberbullying. A user will not be able to write harsh comments on social platforms or even in emails.

There are different types of cybercrime. People have been victimized by malicious people who share private information online, such as nudes. Would censoring the internet help in this situation? Terrorism is another type of crime that affects many countries. Google is working with the security forces to fight against terrorism.

Many people are not aware that the internet is monitored. There have been cases where people brag about illegal activities that they have done on social media, and before they can delete the information, they have to answer to the law. Even if you delete data from the internet, relevant authorities can retrieve them. Anything you post online will remain there even if you manually delete them.

Breach of freedom

The primary counteraction to the censoring of the internet is the breach of freedom. People should be able to access any website they need to access. As an individual, you have limited control over what you see. You are restricted from certain websites even though they are not harmful. In certain countries, you could be imprisoned if you access certain websites that are considered to be inappropriate. It all depends on the culture. Famous websites such as YouTube and Google are even blocked in certain countries.

Wrapping up

Censoring the internet is a great idea. It can reduce cybercrimes. Those who are abusing the internet and using it maliciously can be stopped. Although censoring the internet might limit your freedom, it is doing more good than harm.


How To Make Use Of The Internet: It Is More Than Just Social Media

Before the internet was invented, the encyclopedia was a great resource to do research. Today, it is more convenient to do research using Google Scholar. The internet has many uses and is not all about social media.

If you only use the internet to scroll through Instagram, then you are wasting your time. You are missing out on a chance to be a better individual. There are so many resources available to you.

See also: Should We Limit The Time We Spend On Social Networks

You can use the internet to develop your intellectual capacity, learn skills and become competent in an area you are interested in. I have a friend who created a website by studying computer science on the internet. He had no prior programming knowledge, yet he could develop codes for his website. You don’t have to attend a prestigious university and master a field. Information is available on the internet.

The internet plays a vital role in education. Today, students can learn at their own pace. The invention of online schools makes learning more accessible and more fun. Most universities and colleges offer distance learning to the student population. In addition, there are many websites you can use to develop your skills. These include:

Coursera– Coursera offers free courses at top universities for free. You can get certified in the comfort of your home over the internet. The internet has made it possible.

Khan Academy– This is a beneficial platform for students in high school. They have videos and materials that schools teach their students. If you spend time revising some of the materials instead of scrolling through Instagram, then it is highly likely that you will be a better student.

Udemy– Udemy offers professional courses to anyone interested in taking their career to the next level. Courses include Financial Planning, Graphic Design, Photography, and Programming Language.

Unemployed? Do you know that many positions are available and you only need a laptop and internet connection? You can earn 200 – 1000 USD depending on your assigned work and complexity. For example, you can work as a Virtual Assistance, Sales Representative, and Tutoring. In addition, you can use the internet to gain passive income through blogging.

The internet is also relevant in the business world. It is the best platform to market and promote a brand. Websites and email marketing are standard tools used by entrepreneurs. You can extend your client base and conduct a transaction online, which is free. For example, if you sell products online, you can receive payments through PayPal.

The internet is mighty and helpful. You have access to knowledge. Do not waste time on social media when you have the opportunity to improve yourself professionally and academically. You can study courses online for free.

Students can research topics they have difficulty with instead of waiting for the teacher to explain them. You are responsible for your learning as a student. Resources are available, so use them to your advantage.


17 Tips To Be An Ecologist At Home

Protecting nature requires a contribution smaller than you might have thought. You don’t have to donate large sums of money, and you don’t have to participate in revolt movements or a public outcry to reduce the level of pollution in the city where you live.

See also: Save Space Using A Combined Kitchen 


Use fluorescent bulb tubes

A standard light bulb, also known as the incandescent light bulb, produces more heat than a fluorescent bulb. This is because the regular light bulb contains a thin filament that makes a lot of heat. On the other hand, the fluorescent light bulb uses less heat to produce light. This is a result of the fluorescent bulb tubes. If you want to save some dollars on your light bill, choose a bulb that uses less heat to produce light.


Please turn off your computer every night, or at least put it in sleep mode

You must turn off your computer every night and conserve electricity. Step one and two goes hand in hand.


When you brush your teeth, don’t let the water run

Did you know that you only need one glass of water to brush your teeth? Instead of leaving the water running, why not fill a glass of water when you want to brush your teeth? The truth is, you do not need more than one glass of water. If you leave it running, you are wasting precious water. This way, you can save up to 20 liters of water per day.

Print on both sides of the sheet

Why print on only one side when you have enough space on the other side? The information printed can be condensed if you use both sides of the sheet. Also, this option will be ideal if you are paying to print. Use up all your blank pages when you print something.


Purchase a water filter at home, so you don’t need to buy bottled water

Bottled water is more costly in comparison to water filler.  People tend to believe bottled water is 100% pure; unfortunately, this is not true. A water filter purifies your water and can be even cleaner than bottled water. If you buy bottled water every day for the year, that will add up to an amount that is more than a water filter. Do the math – you will save more with a water filter.

Eat fruits and vegetables

Health is wealth. Fruits and vegetables detoxify your body which reduces the chance of health-related issues. Have you heard the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away?” So eat fruits and vegetables regularly. You can eat them fresh or make many delicious salads and smoothies.

Recycle bottles! Thus, you reduce air pollution by 20% and water pollution by 50%

Any form of combustion contributes to air pollution. If the bottles are burnt, then that is a form of combustion. We know that smoke emitted from combustion is a form of air pollution. Instead of burning your bottles, recycling is the best option. Recycling does not contribute to the destruction of the Ozone layer, and plastic can be used to make other products.


Recycle newspapers and magazines that you no longer read!

Please don’t throw them in the trash, but go to a processing center. This way, you save more than half a million trees a week. Papers can be recycled just like bottles. After recycling, they can be used for different purposes. Recycling saves energy and money. However, it requires more energy to produce new material as opposed to recycling it.


Don’t dry your clothes in a dryer

Natural resources, including wind and sunlight, are the best forms of energy. For heating, the sun can do a tremendous job. There is no need for dryers, especially if you live in the tropics. If you have a dryer, then minimize its use and use it only when it is rainy. Natural resources are free, and they will cost you nothing. 

Plant a tree!

We all know that trees are essential to the environment. Trees use photosynthesis to make food, and oxygen is released through this process. Therefore, planting trees will ensure that there is a constant flow of oxygen in the environment.

Don’t be reticent to second-hand objects or things – they can be much better than new ones

Instead of buying new clothes all the time, you can shop at the thrift store and spend your money on something more important. It is okay to use second-hand objects.


Take showers or baths with your partner to reduce the water consumption

Showering together is romantic, and it is also economical. If both partners shower at the same time less water will be used as opposed to showering separately. The aim is to conserve.

Recycle old cell phones!

Many phone companies will reward you with cash for old phones you are not using. The old telephones still have value. They contain precious materials that can be used to make products. Recycling cell phones also reduces air pollution. The material found in phones doesn’t have to be reproduced but can be extracted from old cell phones. Some materials found in old cell phones are dangerous, and decomposing them properly or reusing them proves safer for the environment.


Put all the clothes and items that you no longer use in a bag and donate them to charity

Sharing is the best form of love. Instead of burning old clothes, you can give them to someone in need. Of course, this option reduces air pollution as burning is a form of combustion. Unfortunate people will be grateful to you for sharing.


Turn off the light when you leave the room for more than 10 minutes

If you are not using something, then put it up safely. The same principles apply to light. If you are not using it, turn it off. It does not make sense to keep the lights on if you are not using them. Logically, it saves you money. I cannot stress this further.


Get rid of plastic bags and don’t use them anymore!

There are policies implemented to ban plastic in some states in America. This is because it can be dangerous to the environment and does not biodegrade well. When plastic breaks down, toxic substances can be released into the environment. When this happens, we cannot control what happens next. Therefore, it is best to have the situation under control by getting rid of plastics.


Use rechargeable batteries!

Rechargeable batteries can save tons of dollars. You pay for one battery you repeatedly use instead of buying every time the non-rechargeable battery has reached its limits. In addition, removable batteries are long-lasting and cheaper than non-rechargeable batteries in the long run.


Share your knowledge with others; it will be appreciated!

5 Best Grocery Shopping Apps

Grocery apps can make shopping so much easier. It reduces stress and allows you to shop efficiently. You can take advantage of bargains and compare prices. This helps you to shop smart and save money. You can also get reviews for products before you even purchase them. The reviews help you avoid buying products you may not like. A grocery shopping app will also help you to remember to pick up all the necessary things while on your grocery run.  Take a look at the 5 best grocery shopping apps to improve your life.

See also: Top 3 best translation app to use when traveling abroad

5 Best grocery shopping apps


Grocery Pal

If you would like to save cash then you should consider using this app. It will help you to find sales at different stores weekly. These stores include Food Lion, Walgreens, Walmart, and Target. You can also create a shopping list and use coupon codes digitally. You can manage your spending as the app will compare the price of other products with the one selected by you. The unit price is also calculated for you.


Download Grocery Pal for Android

Download Grocery Pal for iPhone



Grocery iQ

You can create an online account and start creating your shopping list. This app is not only limited to just creating a shopping list. Grocery iQ allows you to scan the barcode of products that you are interested in and you can also find grocery stores that are nearby using the app. You can also search for coupon codes for free. Just make sure you download the relevant apps.


Download Grocery iQ for Android

Download Grocery iQ for iPhone


Any List

Like other grocery applications, Any List helps you create a shopping list. You can easily share it with your family and friends. Any adjustments to the list can be viewed by family members and friends. You can view past shopping lists and update your current shopping list. You can also access premium features at a low rate. One feature allows you to automatically import ingredients from online recipes.


Download Any List for iPhone



Buy me a pie

Buy me a pie is another grocery shopping app that helps you to save time and shop wisely. They have implemented smart grouping. This will allow you to shop for items that are in the same store aisle so you don’t have to walk back to an aisle you already strolled. It can function as the store assistant. Like other grocery shopping apps, you can create a portable shopping list on your phone.


Download Buy Me a Pie for Android

Download Buy Me a Pie for iPhone


Our groceries shopping list

This app is the easiest way to manage a family’s grocery shopping. All family members will have access to the app on their mobile devices. They can add and make adjustments as they view the list. Each family member will see the item checked when the designated shopper has purchased it. How cool is that?



Download Our Groceries Shopping List for Android

Download Our Groceries Shopping List for iPhone


Wrapping up

We tend to forget items that we need when we go grocery shopping. If you have a bad memory, a grocery shopping app is highly recommended. You can create an organized shopping list that you can take with you on your mobile devices. You can save these lists and reuse them when you need to shop again.

Imagine A Day Without A Smartphone

Going a day without your phone isn’t so bad. You will be forced to interact with people around you. And yes, you won’t be able to access your social media, but it is just for a day. Random annoying notifications every hour will not disrupt the deep conversation you are having with friends and family.

Some people might think it is hard at first because our phones serve as the primary means of communication. Some might think they cannot survive, and others might feel awkward. But, for others, it’s not that bad.

See also: The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Smartphones

Your day will be more productive

You will have a more productive day if you forget about your phone. Cell phones have been deemed a distraction and are banned in some workplaces because employers want their employees to be productive. They want employees to focus on their tasks and complete them quickly, instead of checking their phones every ten minutes.

You connect with people around you

You are forced to talk to the people around you and be entertained. We are social beings, and we mostly use our phones to socialize and catch up with friends and family. We need relationships to survive, and relationships in the form of friendship and family are very important. This is the primary reason why social media is very powerful.

People are seeking companionship, and nowadays, they do so by connecting with different people all over the world through social media. People tend to feel alone, and their smartphone acts as a form of companionship.

We even tend to neglect the physical people around us for our phones. Instead of snapping your dinner date, focus on enjoying the person’s company. Listen to what they have to say instead of checking to see how many likes you have on the picture you just posted. You’d be surprised at how much you are missing out.

You would enjoy being alone

There is no need to always be in contact with the people in your social circle. You need time alone just to take a breather. Take a break and enjoy something you genuinely love. It could be as simple as reading that book you always wanted to read.

Once you are engaged in the activity, you won’t even miss your smartphone. You will be so immersed in it that you forget about all the distractions around you. Think about it. Do you really find scrolling through your phone fun?

It will be hard to adjust

For some people, it will be hard, and there will be a constant urge to check their phones. They will constantly wonder if they have a missed call or a message from their friends. If you plan to go a day without your phone, you should inform your close friends and family about it.

This will prevent everyone from panicking when their messages go unanswered. You will still feel anxious, but once you get through one day, it is possible to get through the others. You will survive.

Wrapping up

Some people still believe that a smartphone is a necessity and it would be hard to go a day without it. Before smartphones were invented, people still had a fulfilling life. People were more connected to humanity and appreciative of a person’s physical presence.

Without a doubt, smartphones have made communication easier and provide undeniable benefits. But we just have to ensure that it doesn’t take over our lives. Going without your smartphone for several hours or even a day is not the end of the world.



Should We Limit The Time We Spend On Social Network

Is it time to cut down on how much time you spend on social media? Think about how many hours you spend on social media. Those 10 hours of scrolling through your timeline could be used to do something very constructive.

See also: Pros And Cons Of Working Online

Have you ever heard the saying, “time is money.” You can never regain those ten hours so you should really spend your time wisely by limiting the amount of time you spend on social media.

If you want to have a fulfilling life then engage in other activities. It builds your personality and confidence. Don’t be boring and predictable. Every time someone asks you “What do you do during your spare time?” you say “Surfing the internet.” Be more creative and engage in fun activities.


You miss out when you spend most of your time on social media. You need to connect offline; visit a friend instead of sending a message on Facebook. Learn not to stifle physical human connections.

You strengthen your relationships and bond by engaging in face to face activities. Get to know your friends and family instead of reading their posts and social media profiles.

Spending time on social media can put you in a depressed mood. You compare yourself with others especially when you are not happy with your life. You will see your colleagues with their new jobs, cars, and houses.

People post their blessings but sometimes they struggle as well. Things are not always what you see. Take a break when you realize you are comparing your life with others and focus on yourself.

If you spend quality time improving yourself instead of monitoring your colleagues’ life you will be happier. You will see the results. Become a better employee so that you can get the promotion you deserve. Take courses that can improve your career.

As you work on yourself, try to limit the time you spend on social media. You will be so busy that all you have time to do is just glance at your account and then get back to work. If you are addicted to social media, then you can change this by being more productive.


The truth is, we tend to check our social media accounts when we have plenty of free time. Get busy and minimize the time you spend on social media.


The Pros And Cons Of Technology In The Classroom

The introduction of technology in education has changed how students learn, and teachers deliver their lessons. Many benefits come with this change. Students can have more interactive lessons with their teachers. They can also learn at their own pace however there are disadvantages as well. Students can be easily distracted and become too dependent on technology.

See also: Do We Need All These Gadgets? 


You can learn anywhere

Technology has made it possible for people to learn anywhere in the world. Online education is growing tremendously across the globe. There is no need to be physically present at a school you wish to study at. Online education gives students more flexibility and it is cheaper to study online. Technology brings the classroom to your home.

It makes the lesson fun

Watching educational movies is more interesting than listening to the teacher’s monotonous voice. The lesson can be more interactive and this motivates your students to learn. Teachers can change the lesson style using technology such as computers, projectors, and tablets.

Easy to manage students’ progress

Technology can help teachers to manage the students’ progress. For example, in online schools, teachers can see when students complete their courses and quizzes. They can see how well their students are doing. Technology has made storage easier. You can monitor the student’s progress by looking at how well they have done throughout a specific period and you can determine if they have improved or not.

Students can learn at their own pace

Some students are introverts, and they will not participate in class. If teachers develop an online platform for students to utilize, they can get the students to participate in discussions. They will not be shy to ask questions. They can send a private message if the platform allows it. Many Facebook groups are created to enhance learning outside of the classrooms. Teachers can go through concepts that were not covered in the classrooms.

Accommodate students with special needs

Technology has made it possible for students with disabilities to learn just like normal children. Many schools cannot accommodate special needs students because they lack the resources. A visually impaired student can access information and submit an assignment using braille. Before technology that could assist disabled students existed, these students had to stay at home and were prevented from having a formal education. Technology has made it possible to educate disabled students.



Students can become too dependant

Technology has brought many benefits. However, students can become too dependent on technology instead of going to the library to research. They can access information on the internet that is not always accurate. Students need to be careful and use the resources that they have correctly.


Teachers have complained about students using computers for social purposes instead of learning and studying. Students can be easily distracted by visiting non-educational websites. Teachers have to monitor the computer to ensure that students are not losing their focus.

Loss of connection

Some people will argue that people are moving away from traditional education and that online learning will not build specific skills such as social and team building. Yes, virtual learning is not the same as conventional learning and school is essential to form unique relationships but we have to admit that virtual learning has its benefits.

Wrapping up

Technology has been incorporated into education because of the wonderful benefits. It can help teachers to change their teaching style and keep the students interested. On the other hand, technology can be distracting, and students can become too dependent on it.


Pros and Cons of Working Online

Working online has made been possible with the introduction of the internet. People can work as a Virtual assistant, Content Writer, Social Media Manager, and Customer Service Representative from the comfort of their home. If you consider working online, you may want to deeply reflect and see if this is the right path for you.

See also: Online Dating: Yes Or No


You don’t have to commute

You can avoid rush hour traffic when you work online. It gives you more time to do house chores before you begin working. You are not stressed about reaching work early and catching the early bus. You are more likely to start working on time when you work from home.


You spend quality time with family.

You spend quality time with your family while working. You have to balance your time well. Some women prefer to stay home with their kids and pursue a career from home.

They get the advantages of both worlds, and it prevents them from neglecting their motherly duties. They can get the kids ready for school and help them with homework. Instead of leaving their kids at the daycare, they get to spend quality time and bond with the kids.


Save money

You don’t have to worry about transportation costs and lunch. You will save money as an online worker. You can cook your meals at home and eat on your break. You can save money on daycare as well.


You can work anywhere.

You can travel and work at the same time. Working online does not restrict you geographically. This gives you the flexibility to do your travels while you work. In a traditional work environment, you have to report to the office daily, preventing you from traveling and working anywhere in the world.



You can be easily distracted.

If you are not careful, you can neglect your duties because you have no supervision. You have control over your break, and you can do whatever you want. You have to be disciplined, and it can be a struggle. Instead of working, you are on social media and gaming sites.


Less social interactions

You will have your family to interact with, but that is not the only human interaction you need. You will miss having your employees to talk to about work and the difficult assignment you have. You will not be able to bond with a co-worker and talk about shared experiences. Your family may not understand your job as much as employees at work.



Online work relies on the internet, and if there is a power outage, you cannot work. This could affect your pay. It would help if you considered having a generator should in case this happens.


Wrapping up

Working online has both advantages and disadvantages. It would help if you reflected on these before you decide to work online. Working online gives you flexibility. You can work anywhere and spend quality time with the family. However, you must have good time management skills and high motivation to succeed with your online job.

Top 10 Tips On How To Study Smart

You study very hard for your exams, yet you are disappointed with the results. You question your efforts and wonder why you even bother to study. How to study smart? Most students have experienced this and realize that studying smart is more effective than studying hard.

Most students will complain that they have not covered all topics and only get to study a few days before the exam. But the trick is, the earlier you study, the better.

Before you start studying you have to determine what type of learner you are. If you are a visual learner you will incorporate pictures and diagrams during study sessions. This will help you to study faster. If you are easily distracted, take breaks during the study session and re-energize. If you learn quickly from someone else, joining a study group will be the best option. Smart students follow good study tips and they can ace their exams. This article will discuss some of the best study tips.

See also: 8 Ways To Turn Your Dreams Into Reality 

Tips on how to study smart

Review often

Develop a study timetable to review your notes each day after class. You will minimize your study session when it comes to preparing for exams. This will also prevent you from trying to learn all the notes you have days before the exam.

Reviewing often helps you prepare for any test, even a pop quiz. You also help the brain to store new information in long-term memory. Those who cram for exams usually forget the information they study because it was stored in short-term memory.


Understanding is the key

Some students try to memorize everything they read without trying to understand it. This puts them in a difficult position, especially when the exam questions are structured in a way that requires applying knowledge.

Students end up failing a test they claim they studied hard for, but the truth is they never understood the materials. If you study to understand, you can answer any question on a particular topic. Once you understand a concept, you can explain it very well.


Use different materials

Do not rely on notes from the lecture or your book. Use other materials apart from your notes. You will get a thorough understanding of the topic when you use more than one source.

You can also learn concepts that may be missing from your notes. It allows you to prepare for the examinations thoroughly. The library contains information on most of the topics taught in schools. Make sure you take a trip to the library.


Use flashcards

Using flashcards can improve memorization. It will help you to remember key terms and important concepts. Make sure you know the topics to study by consulting your professors. You condense a large number of notes using flashcards.

You can also draw diagrams to help you remember important details. It will give you a quick revision a couple of minutes before the test. This method is efficient because it is easy to carry around, and you can study anytime and anywhere.


Take breaks

Breaks are important during study session because it helps you to retain information better. Studying for a prolonged period will make you feel overwhelmed, and your brain will explode. Well, not literally, but feeding the brain too much information will cause congestion. Give your brain time to absorb new materials.

You can study for thirty minutes and then take a break for 10 minutes. Resume and repeat until your study session is over. You can do something enjoyable during the break or just relax. Some people like to listen to soothing music or talk to a friend. It all depends on you.


Teach someone else

Teaching someone else can help you to understand difficult concepts. To teach something, you have to know it yourself. While you are teaching, you learn as you are forced to express information in your own words. You may have to repeat yourself, which reinforces the information. Your student will ask questions, and you have to analyze their questions and answer them. Teaching deepens your understanding of the subject.

Join a study group

By joining a study group everybody gets to share their views and opinions, and a rich discussion can develop among the group. Sometimes one person will know more about a topic than the rest and share it with others.

Each topic could be explored by more than one brain. As a group, you can tackle complex questions on past papers. A study group can also make learning and study fun. You are also motivated to study in a group.


Test yourself


Testing yourself can help you to see if you understand the information. This will help gauge which areas you need to focus on more. Sometimes you think you know the concept, but when you try to answer a question, you find it challenging.

Testing yourself help you to understand your topic very well. You can use online tests and even past papers. Some teachers will give students access to past papers. You can test yourself under exam conditions to help with your time management.


Connect what you know to the concepts you are trying to learn

During study sessions, you can connect your notes to concepts you already know. It helps you to remember everything correctly. Using analogy can save you and help you to learn the materials faster. You will remember it easily during the examination.

You can use acronyms to help you remember concepts. For example, BOMDAS is used in Mathematics to solve complex mathematical problems. A student will remember that subtraction should be done last for any mathematical problem.


Take care of yourself

You should always eat right and get sufficient sleep. Students tend to disrupt their sleep schedule during the examination period. They also neglect their diet. You will retain more information in a healthy state, so eat well and get good rest when you are studying for an exam. You should get at least 8 hours of sleep. Eat food that will enhance brain power such as fish, berries, eggs, and broccoli. You can also take supplements as well.

Wrapping it up

Studying smart helps you retain a large amount of information and learn quickly. You should try to understand every concept you are trying to learn. Use different materials and notes to get a thorough understanding.

Study sessions should include a break so your brain can recharge from the pressure. Easier said than done but do not wait until you have exams to start studying.



10 Benefits Of Reading


The benefits of reading are not limited to entertainment. You can learn and improve skills that can add value to your life. Reading novels to pass the time is a great way to exercise the brain. Read every day and you will see changes in your vocabulary and writing skills.

Reading is a fundamental skill that every human should develop. You were forced to read when you were young, but you should continue to read during adulthood. Let us explore some benefits of reading.

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Benefits of Reading: Why is reading good for you?

You learn

Have you ever wondered why university students read for a degree? Reading is an activity that teaches us something that we don’t know. Whether you read educational or fictional novels, you will learn something.

You gain new knowledge when you read something outside of your field. You can improve your social skills with the wealth of knowledge gained from reading. Reading makes you interesting, and you can engage in conversations easily.


Improves memory

Reading is a mental stimulation exercise that will keep the brain active. It slows down your decline in mental power. Reading can preserve your memory in old age. Mental activities like reading can prevent Alzheimer’s. This is a type of dementia that causes memory problems. If you want to improve your memory, read at least one book per month.


Develop good analytical skills

If you are reading a novel, you will critique the author’s work. This is very common in literature class. Do not just limit this exercise to your literature class because this skill can be useful in life. You can relate some stories to real-life situations. Reading broadens your mind. You get to understand humans and life better. If you need an activity to improve your critical thinking skill, then reading is the answer.


Expand your vocabulary

You will be exposed to new words when you read novels, literacy work, or newspapers. You can express yourself better than the average person who does not read. You may not learn all the words at once. However, when you read often, you will see new words until you become familiar with them. You see how the words are used in a sentence, and you can use them properly. Keep your dictionary near you when you pick up a novel.


Improve writing skills

Practicing writing helps to improve your writing skills; however, reading gives you a blueprint. Reading shows you how to write so you can follow and develop your skills. If you know a great writer, you should read their works and try to emulate their writing style. Writing is an art, and you study it by reading.


Reading reduces stress and provides comfort. If you are facing problems in your life, you can escape reality by reading an interesting novel. Reading can make your imagination run wild and put you in your own world. It is your alone time where you can relax and forget about your troubles for a while. Sometimes you need a break from reality.


Improve concentration

You cannot control the chatter of people while you read on the bus or the blaring music coming from your neighbor’s house. You have to continue reading if you want to finish your novel. This requires focus and concentration. Reading strengthens your focus and concentration. Despite many distractions, you can focus on your primary task.



Reading inspirational books can contribute to your growth and development. Some inspirational books are positive and uplifting. If you feel down, you can be renewed spiritually by just reading an inspirational book.

Some inspirational books for the soul include Bird by Bird by Anna Lamott, The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion, and When Breath Become Air by Paul Kanthani.


You can spend quality time with your child

Reading bedtime stories is a great way to spend quality time with your child. During these bonding moments, you are teaching your child how to read. When your child learns to read, they will be able to read the stories to you. They can enjoy the benefits of reading and develop their cognitive skills.


Improve your language skills

If you are not good at English or Spanish, you can read novels or newspapers in the language you are trying to learn. You will learn how to express ideas and concepts in a foreign language. The spelling of words that you hear can be clarified through reading. You will master grammar and punctuation through consistent reading.


Wrapping up

Reading is not about entertainment as there are unseen benefits such as improved memory, focus, and concentration. Try to read one novel per month. If you can read more then that would be great.





Online dating: Yes or No?

Online dating is not traditional but is a method people use when they are seeking a partner. Some people prefer to meet someone the traditional way and fall in love just like in many love stories. However, some people are shy and online dating would be the best option for them. Online dating is shunned because one may appear desperate and it can turn out to be a tragedy. There are many pros and cons to online dating and we are going to list them in this article.

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It is easy

Simply register on one of the online apps so you can find a potential partner. You don’t have to wait to meet your prince charming/princess in person. You can sign up and meet people looking for a serious relationship. People tend to shy away from online dating because it seems rushed and easy. It is okay to meet your husband and wife online. Technology has made it possible to fall in love over the internet.


You can select who you want

There will be a pool of potential partners that you can select from. You can approach the person and see if they are interested in dating you. If they are interested, then you try and get to know them before initiating the first date.



Some online dating sites are free and anyone can join. You can meet people from different countries or within your country. You have a large database to choose from.



You can view their profile and determine if this person is a potential partner. You are able to view details like their height, favorite hobbies, occupation, religion, and ethnicity. During the first stage of dating, you have to go through pre-screening before you determine if one is compatible. The online dating website will allow you to screen out people quickly.


Rejection is less severe

You can endure rejection online as compared to doing it in person. The person will not see your reaction, and you can grieve in peace. If you are a shy person then you will be more comfortable approaching someone online.



You can’t detect honesty

You have to accept the information given, and you cannot tell if the information is true. People can create fake profiles and lie about personal information. This is one of the reasons some people stay away from online dating.


You will have completion, especially if you use a popular online dating website. There will be other pretty girls and handsome men on the site as well. You have to compete with others so present the best version of yourself. Post the best pictures but try to remain authentic so that you attract people who like you for you. Be yourself and don’t pretend.


It may not be safe

You have to be very careful when dating online. Approach online dating with caution. It can be fun to meet the perfect guy but remember that the person could be an imposter. If you plan to meet someone you met online, then tell your friends and family about the person. Also, ensure that you meet in a public area and give your family and friends the location. In case something happens, they can give a report to the police.


Wrapping up

Online dating is easy and convenient. This is a method that people may resort to after having several failed relationships. Online dating is risky however, there are couples that met online and received their happy ending.